Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Visual Basic Digital Clock

I have just completed our latest project, a digital clock program coded in Visual Basic.

This program does the simple task of displaying the system time in a box that you can drag around, and place anywhere on your screen. For this project we learned about the "Timer" control, how to remove the Minimise/Maximise buttons, and also how to place down menus. In this program I placed two menus, a "File" menu (which contains the option to quit the program) and a "Help" menu (which contains the option to view the about screen). When the "Help>About" option is clicked, a window appears which displays the company name, and a copyright notice. Closing this window brings you back to the program. Allthough this program is simple and might be useless for most people, it has tought me about some key tools for programing in Visual Basic.

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